Online Real Soft 11.0+ – How To Make Attendance Report Online Quickly

Online Real Soft 11.0+ is a comprehensive online software that provides a range of tools and features for managing and tracking employee attendance. One of its key features is the ability to generate attendance reports quickly and easily online. This can be useful for keeping track of employee attendance, analyzing trends and patterns, and ensuring compliance with attendance policies and regulations. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to make an attendance report in Real Soft 11.0+. If you want full professional support with software from us click here.

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Step 1: Log in to your Online Real Soft 11.0+ account The first step to making an attendance report in Online Real Soft 11.0+ is to log in to your account. To do this, go to the Online Real Soft 11.0+ login page and enter your username and password. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up for one by following the instructions on the sign-up page.

Step 2: Navigate to the Attendance Report Once you have logged in, navigate to the “Attendance Report” section of the software. This section is where you can access the tools and features for generating attendance reports.

Step 3: Select the desired date range In the Attendance Report section, you will be prompted to select the start and end dates for the report. Choose the dates that you want to include in the report by selecting them from the calendar.

Step 4: Filter data The next step is to filter the data that you want to include in the report. You can use the available filters, such as employee name or department, to select the specific data that you want to see in the report. This can be useful for focusing on specific employees or departments, and for narrowing down the data to only what is relevant to you.

Step 5: Generate the report Once you have selected the desired date range and filters, click on the “Generate Report” button to create the attendance report. The software will use the data from your selected date range and filters to generate the report.

Step 6: Review the report The generated report will show the attendance data for each employee in the selected date range, including the total number of days worked and the number of absent days. You can review the report to see how each employee has been performing in terms of attendance and to identify any trends or patterns.

Step 7: Save or print the report If necessary, you can save the report to your computer or print it for your records. This can be useful for keeping a record of employee attendance over time, or for sharing the report with others in your organization.

Online Real Soft – How To Make Attendance Report Online

Attendance report in the online real soft application helps you keep track of employee attendance by allowing you to enter all the information into a database. This makes it easier for you to generate reports that will show you how many hours each employee worked, how much overtime they earned, and how many days they were absent. This software was developed by the Real-time Biometrics team and managed by the back-end technical team. They are also giving full support for the software via online phone and remote access methods to the whole Pan India region.

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These technical support teams are responsible for solving all types of online real soft web cloud application errors and configurations with cloud-based biometric attendance machines. All devices from real-time are not supporting this web cloud application, you have to make sure before buying any device that you want to work with online real soft is supportable or not. This information you can take from any Real-time Channel Partner, Dealer, SI, Distributor, or technical back-end team like the #1 distributor of Real-time “ARC GROUPS” via these direct support numbers +91-7011369789, +91-7011152292.

You can also view attendance details such as name, date of birth, time of arrival/departure, reason for absence, time logs, daily, and monthly reports, etc. If you need to make sure that employees are not taking too much time off, then you should use attendance report online software. It will help you monitor employee attendance and ensure that they are not abusing their leave.

Create Attendance Reports.

Attendance report online helps you keep track of your employees’ attendance by creating attendance reports. You can also set up alerts so that you receive an email whenever one of your employees leaves early or arrives late. This will allow you to take immediate action when needed.

View Attendance Details.

Attendance report online is a simple yet powerful tool that makes managing employee attendance easier than ever before. With an attendance report online, you can easily view attendance details such as attendance status, leave type, the reason for absence, and more.

online real soft Android App

Print Attendance Reports.

You can print attendance reports by clicking on the “Print Attendance Report” button at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will open up a new window where you can choose the date range and select the employees whose attendance you wish to print.

Free Android/iOS App.

Yes, online real soft also gives android and iOS-based apps for both i.e. admin and for users or staff or employees with no charges. It’s absolutely free of cost and available on the play store and iOS store. This application has some more features that enhance the versatility of the cloud application. The same mobile app will be used for both admin and staff i.e. users must use the credentials that are created by the admin and the admin can log in to the app with credentials when created at the time of sign-up.

Now let’s talk about the usage of mobile apps for admins and users. Staff can log in with credentials and see his/her attendance reports, leaves, and logs. The biggest benefit of this app is any staff who is working outside of the office or working remotely from any part of the globe he/she can punch their attendance records in form of selfies and google coordinates. Google coordinates will be automatically detected with the phone’s current location.

online real soft ios app

Whereas admin can check all the staff logs, attendance reports, present, absent, leaves, create leaves, punch Geo locations, and all features that are available in web desktop-based cloud applications. These are the major features available in this app that comes at absolutely no cost.

Finally- Cost is everything.

Always remember at what cost you are getting the software and its services. A good price is a very great offer for you and your company to work with the software and get the services.

In conclusion, making an attendance report in Real Soft 11.0+ is a straightforward process that can be done quickly and easily online. By following these steps, you can generate accurate and detailed attendance reports for your organization in just a few clicks. The software’s powerful tools and features make it easy to manage and track employee attendance and analyze attendance data to identify trends and patterns. Whether you need to keep track of attendance for compliance purposes or to monitor employee performance, Real Soft 11.0+ has you covered.

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