
AI Attendance System Pro 1800 | Realtime

Original price was: ₹24,999.00.Current price is: ₹23,650.00.

Product Features:

  • Face Capacity: 5,000
  • Fingerprint Capacity: 50,000 (Largest Capacity in Market)
  • Storage Capacity: 500000
  • Recognition way: Face, Card, Password, Fingerprint
  • Language: English
  • Face FAR/FRR: 0.001/0.1(%)
  • Recognition Speed: 0.3s
  • Face Intelligent update function Yes
  • Recognition way: 1:1, 1:N
  • 1-year offsite warranty from the manufacturing brand.

Availability: In stock

AI Attendance System Pro 1800 | Realtime

AI Attendance System Pro 1800 has been built, designed, and developed by Realtime. If you’re looking for a more efficient way to track your employees’ attendance, AI Face Attendance Machines can be the answer.

Easy to use and accurate, these machines offer convenience, security, and peace of mind that traditional time-keeping methods can’t provide. Discover why it’s time for you to make the switch today!

Save Time Manually Taking Attendance.

AI Attendance System makes it much easier and faster to take attendance than manual methods. You don’t have to worry about employees signing in late, with AI Face Attendance Machines taking the guesswork out of attendance tracking.

This system quickly identifies employees’ faces and logs their attendance accurately and efficiently so that you can save time for more important matters.

Increase Accuracy in Tracking Hours Worked.

AI Attendance System provide an unprecedented level of accuracy when it comes to tracking employees’ hours worked.

This automatic logging system eliminates potential errors in manual attendance tracking, making it easier for employers to stay compliant with all labour regulations. This offers peace of mind that you are accurately tracking employee concentration throughout the day.

Reduce Human Error in Time and Attendance Tracking.

An AI Attendance System ensures that records are kept accurately and without error. As any manual tracking process is subject to errors in data entry, or malicious attempts to manipulate data, AI Face Attendance Machines guarantee a more accurate reporting of employee attendance and time spent on the job.

This can help keep wages within legal limits and ensure fairness between employees – allowing you to provide flexible scheduling options, fair paychecks, and other benefits.

Benefit from Increased Customer Satisfaction.

An AI Attendance System provides an added layer of convenience to your customers. No longer do they need to wait in line to sign in or spend time on a card swipe unit.

Instead, customers can simply click one button that will check them into your business within seconds. This allows your customers to get their shopping done faster and more efficiently, which, in turn, leads to increased customer satisfaction.

Access More Detailed Reports for Analytics.

AI Attendance System provides more accurate and extensive reporting. Knowing exactly how many customers come in each day when they come in and out of the store, or at peak customer times allows businesses to optimize their operations for maximum efficiency and productivity.

This data can be used for targeted marketing strategies, product pricing, and inventory management. Overall, using an AI Face Attendance Machine provides a valuable set of insights that improve business operations and operational decisions.

Product Specifications:

Face Capacity: 5,000
Fingerprint Capacity: 50,000 (Largest Capacity in Market)
Storage Capacity : 500000
Recognition way : Face, Card, Password, Fingerprint
Language: English
Face FAR/FRR : 0.001/0.1(%)
Recognition Speed: 0.3s
Face Intelligent update function Yes
Recognition way : 1:1, 1:N
CPU: Quad-core, 1.7G
Camera : Dual Camera (High Resolution infrared and color dual cameras)
LCD : 7inch HD Touch Screen
Infrared approach receiver: Yes
Touch Screen : Yes
Communication: TCP/IP, USB, U-Disk, Wifi
FRR : <=1%
FAR : <=0.0001%
USB port: Yes
Voice: Yes
Clock RTC: Yes
Working Voltage: DC12V voltage Design
Working Temperature : -10°C-50°C
Working Humidity (RH) : 20% – 80%
Door sensor (EN-MG) : Get magnetic signal input
Alarm: Alarm Output
Doorbell: Doorbell Output
Exit: Door Switch Singal Input
Wiegand: 1 group of WG26/34 input, External reader available, -1 group of WG24/34 output
Tamper Alarm: Yes
Weight 2000 g
Dimensions 19 × 20 × 22 cm


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