e time track lite

e time track lite

A Software thats acheived #1 position in Indian Market for Best Attendance Management Software

eTimetracklite has 3 Software versions of  Attendance Management

eTimetracklite Desktop Software

eTimetracklite Web Cloud Software on eSSL Server

eTimetracklite Web Cloud Software on Buyer's Server

eTimetracklite Desktop Software

etimetrack lite has very popular desktop software with more than 20 Lacs Active Installation in Pan India and Abroad. Its very easy to use and very light size of exe software supports only for windows os.

eTimetracklite Web Software on eSSL Server

If you are looking for more advance software then desktop etimetracklite then you are in right place. Its web cloud software has all the advance features like Auto Data Sync, Mobile App Support, Remote Locations Punch etc. on your own system.

eTimetracklite Web Software on Buyer's Server

If you don't have your own server with a public IP then you don't worry. You can opt eSSL's own maintained server with cloud application and access from anywhere part of the globe with any system which has browser. Same all features are available of cloud app and API available for data integration.

Other Software from eSSL eBioServerver

If you are handling large no of device and want to handle the all actions in single command then you need eSSL's eBioserver. You can install it on your own premises server or you can use eSSL's server too with API data integration.

3rd Party Application Data Integration

All 3rd Party software of anykind like ERP, HRMS, Attendance Management etc. wants the data of attendance from the eSSL product line then eSSL provides full SQL Server and MySQL based DB with data auto sync feature to the DB.

Product Line UP of eSSL

Attendance Machine Access Control Entrance Control Metal Detectors Door Automation Parking Solution Baggage Scanner Elevator Controller Boom Barrier Turnstiles Flap Barrier Swing Barrier Guard Patrol Bollards Hotel Locks

e time track lite Support No. 

We are here to help you. Call us for any support +91-7011369789, +91-9315162291, +91-0120-4376561

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